Nuance Announces Dragon Medical Practice 2


Today Nuance announces the availability of the latest version of its industry leading medical speech recognition software. Dragon Medical Practice 2 is the latest and improved speech recognition  for today's medical practices.

The new version boats a 22% increase in accuracy over the previous version, Dragon Medical Practice Edition.  In addition to the out of the box accuracy improvement, the latest version will allow the user to use their iPhone or Android smartphone devices as a microphone. The Software is Windows 8 compatible, and has 90 medical specialty vocabularies.  This is an increase from just over 60 specialties for the previous version.

With over 180,000 physicians currently using Dragon Medical, speech recognition has hit its stride as an everyday productivity tool.   You will ease the transition into Electronic Medical Records.  With practitioners ability to directly dictate into most EHR systems comes not only productivity gains on the patient record creation, but also a simpler adoption of EHR technology as a whole. The best part, there is no wait time. Go from Dictation to text  instantly.

For more information about Dragon Medical Practice 2, contact American Dictation Corp. an Dragon Medical Advantage partner with years of experience in training and support of the product.

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