Solutions for Healthcare
Dictation has always been part of patient care. Even the advent of EHR or EMR programs does not dilute the effectiveness of today’s digital dictation devices. Set up properly, a good dictation recorder and dictation management software can allow you to integrate with speech recognition and/or EHR seamlessly.
Sound complicated? – No worries because we set up your system for you. The cost? Zero, nothing, nada -100% free!
HIPAA’s the WordÂ
American Dictation got it’s start building the first comprehensive Web-based, HIPAA compliant file transfer and management system in the industry. We are passionate about what we do. Try us!
Secure Recordings
Today, the major digital recorder manufacturers offer handheld recorders that are not only easy to use, they also provide “in recorder” encryption to fully protect your dictations from unauthorized playback. The Olympus DS-9500 and the Philips DPM-8000 have PIN code locks to prevent others from playing back dictations on your recorder. Additionally, these encrypted files cannot be played from a removed media card.
Secure Transmissions
The Olympus DSS Player Pro (ODMS) (included with the DS-9500 and DS-9000) and the Philips SpeechExec Pro Dictate (included with the Philips DPM-8000) can be configured to encrypt and send voice dictations over a network, by e-mail or by FTP.
Speech Recognition
For those physicians using EMR or EHR systems, speech recognition can truly add an increased level of productivity by reducing your dictation time and increasing input accuracy. Nuance’s Dragon Medical One offers ideal solutions for healthcare providers wanting complete EMR integration and/or increased dictation efficiency.