Philips TS-8000 Complete Dictation Kit
Classic Mode to Replicate the beloved Dictation Tape
Philips thought of everything with the 8000 dictation device. A simple setting gives the user the look and feel of an analog tape recorder while utilizing today's digital technology. This truly is the end of "Resistance to Change".
3D Microphone System for Best in Class Sound Reproduction
The new 3D microphone technology offers both an omnidirectional microphone offering 360-degree sound capture which is ideal for meetings and conference recording, and a high-quality uni directional microphone optimized for dictation and speech recognition integration.
Built-in Motion Sensor
This new technology senses whether the device is stationary, on a desk or work surface, or in motion, in your hand. It uses this information to automatically choose the microphone sensitivity for optimal recording.
Wear-Free Slide Switch
The Philips Complete Dictation Kit shows an improvement over current slide switch dictation devices, by improving ergonomics, and using state-of-the-art light sensing technology, instead of mechanical components. This ensures a long life of trouble-free use.
Ergonomically Correct
The new Philips Complete Dictation Kit boasts an asymmetrical, ergonomically superior design to fit perfectly in your hand. The recorder is slim and lightweight to maximize comfort. The brushed stainless steel body is simply the most durable, attractive finish available to protect your recorder in style.
High-Resolution Color Display
The large full-color display produces sharp images, while the clear user interface ensures ease of use.
Windows and Mac Compatible
The Philips Complete Dictation Kit is compatible with Windows 11/10/8/7/Vista (32 and 64 bit), Windows XP (32 bit)
Hands-Free Recording
Just plug the optional Philips foot switch into the back of the docking station to control record and playback functions with the foot pedal.
Remote Configuration & Maintenance
Let the IT administrators centrally manage, configure, and update the dictation hardware throughout the office, while you remain productive in your duties.
High Data Security
Recordings can be encrypted, in real-time with onboard AES 256-bit security. This provides a very high level of data security approved by the United States Government for highly classified information. In addition, there is an optional Device PIN code feature you can enable to avoid playback of your dictations while on the recorder.